
Using this window, you can set certain Wintouch options, server settings, and proxy server settings.

Note: These settings will remain in effect until you return to this window to change them.

To open this window, select Options from the Main menubar and then "Preferences" from the pull-down menu.

Wintouch Options Tab

Default Search Tab

To specify which search tab is displayed in the Account Search and Contact Search windows when you open them, select from these two drop-down lists.

Default Font

Name: To specify which font you would like to appear in all of the drop-down lists within Wintouch drop-down lists.

Style drop-down list: You can choose whether you want the fonts to appear in bold, italic, or plain text.

Size drop-down list: Allows you to select your font size.

Additional Search Window Tabs

When conducting a search for accounts and contacts, the user can select from a number of tabs in the account or contact search windows. This can include search tabs created in this section of the Preference window.

To setup a new search window tab, select one or more items from the list of available fields. Use the "Ctrl" key while selecting items to create multiple search tabs. To view which items have been selected, hover over an item and a pop-up window will display the selections. To remove selections press the "Clear Selection" button. After all selections have been made select the OK button to save your settings.

If a search window has not been opened, open one to find your newly created search tabs. If a search window has been opened prior to saving the preference settings, the user must close and reopen Wintouch to implement the changes. 

Note: The selections that make up this list are also available from the "Other" tab in the account and contact search windows. You would change this list only if you find yourself continually selecting the same option over and over in the "Other" tab.

Look And Feel

You may choose the style of Graphical User Interface, also known as Look And Feel. Select from the following radio buttons to modify the screen appearance:

Windows: This interface is consistant with the Microsoft Windows platforms, such as Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT.

Macintosh: Not yet available.

Metal: Also known as the Java interface, this is a cross-platform Look And Feel developed by JavaSoft.

Motif: This is the UNIX's XWindows Look And Feel.

Note: The look will only change if you exit Wintouch and then re-enter Wintouch.

Add or Remove Scrollbars

Fit Account Summary to window: When enabled, no scrollbars will appear when you make the Wintouch window too small.

Fit Contact Summary to window: When enabled, no scrollbars will appear when you make the Wintouch window too small.

Show Toolbar

These check boxes enable you to select (and deselect) which of the listed windows will display a toolbar.

Telephone-Fax Format

Accounts and Contacts that have Account Country and Contact Country set to USA or Canada have the default value of (###) ###-####. This means that if you key a 10 digit number, 7147552817 for example, into a phone/fax field, when you tab or click off that field, Wintouch will automatically format the number to (714) 755-2817.

For Countries other than the U.S. or Canada, you can define your own auto-formatted phone/fax numbers.

Country: Select the Country you would like to define your auto-format phone/fax.

Format Setting Field: You can define multiple formats for country; one format for each number of digits. For example, if you have a country that sometimes has 14 digit phone/ faxes and 15 digit phone/faxes, you could define one setting (####)- #####-##### for 14 digits and one setting (#####)-#####-##### for 15 digits.

How-To add auto-formatting phone/fax numbers.

Ignore Formatting For This Country: When checked, no auto-formatting will occur for the selected country.

Show Country Dialing Code: When checked, the default country code (not definable) will show in all phone/fax fields for that country. For example, if the default country code is checked for the U.S., then a +1 will appear before all 10 digit phone/fax numbers whether or not they have phone/fax numbers.

Other Default Values

Template Path: Choosing a Default Path for your Template Files

Use the Default Path field and adjacent Browse button to determine the folder location for all your Wintouch template files. Both the Print Template and Create Template windows will default to the path set here. Use the Browse button to locate a directory and folder by navigating to it in the Select window. If you know the template path, type it directly into the field.

Word Executable File: (Choosing a Default Path for Your Microsoft Word™ and Excel™ Executable Files)

Because these programs may be installed elsewhere, the path for "winword.exe" and "excel.exe" can be set by the user. When necessary the user may change the location of these two programs by locating the files and using the directory path in the fields provided. The current default path is set to "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\"

Working Directory

The working directory is where files essential to using mail merge, reports, and excel spreadsheets are created by Wintouch. The default setting for this directory is C:\wintouch. To specify a different working directory use the Browse button to navigate to it in the Path Chooser window.

Date Format

By changing the formats in this drop-down list, you can choose how the date fields in Wintouch are displayed.

Based Country

This drop-down list allows you to select a "Company Based Country" as the default selection for new accounts and contacts.

Default Time Zone

This drop-down list lets you assign a time zone to the "Time Zone" field in the Complete and Scheduled Activities Windows. If you do not set the default time zone in Preferences, then your time zone field will default to the time zone set in Windows. If you set the time zone field in Preferences, then the time zone will be set to the time zone specified regardless of your Windows time zone settings.

Character Set

Tab to or click on this field to select the Character Set for the Country or Region for which you will be using Wintouch. This setting affects some of the computer keyboard characters representing the Country's language.

NOTE: Please use this feature only when necessary. If the AS/400 Wintouch server is host to multiple user site locations outside of the USA, it may be necessary to change the Character set to that local country or region.

Reference Information URL

Use this field to enter an URL (Http://,File://...) that you may access frequently (i.e.: presentation database, competitor database, etc.) during the course of your day. For example, if you access Yahoo consistently, the URL will create a link to Yahoo under Main Options > Reference Information. If you launch Word all the time, a URL such as file://C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\Winword.exe will launch Microsoft word from Main Options Reference Information. For help on how to add, delete, and assign an icon to your reference information url's, click here.

Use Wintouch Mail Box

If this box is left unchecked, the Wintouch users default E-mail client will be used when accessed from any e-mail field within Wintouch. If Checked the E-mail client within Wintouch will be opened. The default state is unchecked.

Check this box if you want to use Wintouch as your mail client.

Use Wintouch Address Validation

If this box is checked, then the Skip Wintouch Address Validation box in the Add New Account, Add New Contact, and Address Book windows will default as unchecked. Wintouch address validation allows you to put in Address Line 1 and a Postal Code for United States and Canadian addresses and then autopopulate the remainder of the address. When you tab or click off of the Postal Code, the City, State/Province, and Extended Zip Code are automatically populated.

Activity & Calendar Settings Tab

Category: Tab to this field to select a category (ie: department) for all activities being completed or scheduled. Press the drop-down list box arrow and pick a category for your default setting.

Activity Type: Tab to this field to select the type of activity being completed or scheduled, then press the drop-down list arrow and pick the activity type for your default setting.

Check for critical Activities: Check the checkbox to have Wintouch alert you of critical activities (ie: those scheduled activities that were marked for "set alarm"). Use the up and down arrows to select the time interval for Wintouch to search for those critical activities.

Retrieve Activity Log Interval: Use this drop-down list to specify which completed activities are displayed in the activity log. For example if you would like to only show completed activities for the last month in the activity log, select month.

Note: The default setting is month.

Weekly Activity

First Day Of Week: Tab to this field to select the day that your work week will start. This day will be displayed in the first column heading on the left of the Weekly Activities window.

Work Days: Tab to this field to enter the number of days (1-7) in your work week.

Calendar Color Setting

Schedule Priority: These fields allow you to change the color your scheduled activities take on when they are assigned High, Low, or Medium priority. Default is yellow for High, orange for Medium, and blue for Low. To change the color of your priorities, highlight either High, Medium, or Low and right click. You will get the option to change the Foreground or Background.

Foreground: Clicking on Foreground lets you change the font color for all Scheduled Activities and opens the Foreground color window.


The Swatches tab lets you pick a color from any of the 279 boxes displayed. Bottom left is true black. If you make an error here, then just select true black.


The HSB tab lets you pick the Hue, Saturation and Brightness of your font.


The RGB tab lets you select the amount of Red, Green, and Blue in the font.

Note: Do not change the color of the font unless instructed to do so by your administrator since it isn't necessary.

Push Buttons

OK: Saves the current color selection.

Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the changes.

Reset: Resets your font color to white.

Background: Clicking on Background lets you change the fill color of the box behind the font color for all Scheduled Activities and opens the Background color window.


The Swatches tab lets you pick a color from any of the 279 boxes displayed. If you make an error here, then just select a color that lets you see your font still.


The HSB tab lets you pick the Hue, Saturation and Brightness of the box behind the font.


The RGB tab lets you select the amount of Red, Green, and Blue in the box behind the font.

Note: Change the color of the font if it will increase your efficiency.

Push Buttons

OK: Saves the current color selection.

Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the changes.

Reset: Resets your background color to black.

Completed Activities Color

Foreground: Clicking on Foreground here lets you change the font color for all Completed Activities in the same manner as the Schedule Priority window.

Background: Clicking on Background here lets you change the fill color of the box behind the font for all of your Completed Activities in the same manner as the Schedule Priority window.

Open Daily Calendar at start-up box

A check in this box sets Wintouch to open with the Daily Activities window, which allows the user to immediately view current activities for the day upon opening Wintouch.

NOTE: It is recommended to have the Daily Calendar box checked for most users.

Default Server Settings Tab

The Default Server Settings Tab allow the user to configure, Chat, and E-Mail, and Fax servers.

Chat Server/Port: To specify or change the Chat server and Port settings, type the name or numeric IP address of the Chat server in this field.

Incoming Mail Server Type: Select from the drop-down list your incoming mail server type: POP3 or IMAP.

Incoming Mail Server (POP3): To specify or change the servers you use for mail, enter the name of your e-mail server or IP address.

NOTE: To send and receive e-mail, you need to set up your mail servers, and specify whether you're using IMAP or POP3 servers. You can have one IMAP server or one POP3 server, but not both.

Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): To set up an outgoing mail server, type the name of your SMTP server or IP address in this field.

Fax Features incorporated with Wintouch to be used with FAXSTAR®.com fax servers

FAX STAR® is a Touchtone partner and our software allows integration of their Fax Server software into the AS/400 environment with a GUI (Graphical User Interface) feel.

Outgoing Fax Server:

Number of Fax Attempts:

Fax Delay between Attempts:How long in minutes before you would like to make another attempt to fax a document.

Fax Resolution:

Radio Buttons




Fax Delivery Receipt:

Include Faxed Image:

A description of FAX STAR® features can be found at

Additional SMPT Header Tags:

Place the additional SMPT Header Tags you would like to use in this field.

Received: - This header usually includes which computer the message was sent from, the SMTP (outgoing mail) server(s) used to deliver the message, the destination address, and what date and time (according to the SMTP server) the message was put into the mail server's outgoing queue. This is a key header in determining the correct origin of an email message.

Message-Id: - A unique identifier assigned to each message by the SMTP (outgoing mail) server. The suffix of this header lists the name of the mail server that assigned the unique identifier.

X-Sender: - This header usually indicates the POP account setting in the email application from which the message was sent. This may or may not be the same at the From: header. This header is sometimes invalid (faked) in unsolicited email.

X-Mailer: - Indicates which email application the message was sent from. In our example, we used Eudora Pro Version 3.0.3 for Windows 95.

Date: - The date and time which the message was sent, according to the computer from which it was sent.

To: - The destination address.

From: - This header indicates the return address setting in the email application from which the message was sent. This header is sometimes invalid (faked) in unsolicited email.

Subject: - Indicates the subject of the message.

Mime-Version: - Indicates which version of MIME was used by the email application from which the message was sent.

Content-Type: - Indicates to the email application which type of data is contained within the email message.

X-UIDL: - A unique identifier assigned to the message by the POP (incoming mail) server when it is downloaded onto your computer.

Other headers are possible, but the ones described above are the most common.

Proxy Settings Tab

Many organizations block access from the Internet to their networks to protect sensitive information. The protection is called a firewall. If your organization has a firewall, your browser may need to go through a proxy server before connecting you to the Internet. The proxy server prevents outsiders from breaking into your organization's private network.

The Proxy Settings Tab allows Firewall proxy servers to be accounted for while using some Wintouch functions. The Chat, E-mail, and Terminal Emulation sessions of Wintouch are listed with a check box on the right side of this window. Select which Wintouch feature will need to be configured for Socks Proxy Server settings.

Socks Proxy/Port: To specify or change the Socks Proxy server and Port settings, type the name or numeric IP address of the proxy server in this field.

Default Windows Settings Tab

The Default Windows Settings tab gives you the option to set the size of certain windows in Wintouch. It is especially useful when you have windows that have a great deal of information in them.

Windows: This pane lists the Wintouch windows that you may set size on.

Note: The User Profile window has the additional option to add user defined flags (Administrators only).

These flags are viewable when you select Admininistration from the Main Menubar, then "User Profile" from the pull-down menu and then a drop down that allows you to add user defined flags to the User Profile Properties Pane of the User Profile Window.

Click here for a walk-thru on adding user-defined flags

Title: When you highlight a Wintouch window in the Windows pane, the Title of that window is diplayed in the Title field.

Height: Vertical distance of window measured in pixels

Note: Default Height is 400 pixels.

Width: Horizontal distance window measured in pixels

Note: Default width is maximized.

Check Boxes

Maximize Check Boxes: Makes the Window fit its length or width to the full Wintouch Screen. When you click on a maximize check box, the height or width fields will be cleared.

Set Button: Click the set button for your changes to be temporarily saved. You must also click the OK button to save changes at either the User, User Location, or Default levels.

NOTE: Remember to click the Set button.

Note: Click the help button at this point if you are confused as to what level to set for the windows.

Push Buttons

OK: Saves the current design layout.

Cancel: This button exits the window without saving the changes.

Help: Displays online help for the active window.