I. Preparing to send your Email Broadcast

An email broadcast is an inexpensive way to pass information to a large number of people. Before you can send your broadcast you need to know

  1. The Group you are sending the email to.
  2. What Wintouch fields you will need in your email.
  3. What email level we will send to.

  4. a. Account-Contact - This will bring in the email addresses stored in the Account-Contact Profile or the Account Profile. The Account-Contact Profile email is usually denoted as Email Address or Office Email. The Account Profile email is address usually is denoted as Account Email Address.
    b. Account -This email is stored in the Account Profile, which is typically Account Email.
    c. Contact - This email is stored in the Personal Profile, which is typically Personal Email Address or Home Email.
  5. The email template you will use in the email. This template can be constructed under Options then "Create Templates" in the Main Menubar. Create Templates Link goes here.
  6. System Admin: There must be Default Server Settings for Outgoing Mail Server under Options > Preferences > Default Server Settings tab to send the Email Broadcast.
  7. Now that we have created our Group, know what level to send the email at, and have our email template, we can go ahead and send our email broadcast.

II. Sending your Email Broadcast

  1. Select Options then "Email Broadcast" from the Main Menubar and which level you would like the email sent out at.

  2. In the following example, I chose a Group that had all of my accounts in it (this is imaginary data)

  3. Right click on rows that have email addresses that you do not want included in the Email Blast and click Remove Rows.
  4. Note: If you would like to remove many rows at a time, you can hold down the Ctrl key > left click on any of the highlighted rows > right click to remove. If you would like to remove a large block of rows hold down shift > click on a row > continue holding down shift and click on another row >All of the rows in between your two clicks should now be highlighted > right click and remove.

  5. Click Send Email. The Send Email Window should open.

  6. Select your Email Subject. If you would like to add a Wintouch field to the Email Subject, then select that field from the Add Field drop-down list. Make sure there are spaces between the Wintouch field and the other text you have placed in the Email Subject.
  7. Add any attachments by clicking on the paper clip icon.
  8. Select the User you would like to record this Email Blast for.
  9. If you are completing an activity for this blast, then select the Category, Regarding, and Result for this email blast.
  10. If you would like to save the notes from Email Blast, then enable the "Save Email Body in Notes" checkbox.
  11. Select the template you have already created in the template editor for this email.